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Are People Hacking in Black Ops 2 Pc

There are going to be cheaters in every game, unfortunately, including those yet to be released. So in a sense, yes it is going to be hacked in a way, but the world is not ending. relax friend.

MoHW is.. complete junk. So BO2 will have little problems erasing it from public memory. Just like MoH a few years back.

But yeah, hackers are gonna be ruining your game, and every other game. The problem is hackers aren't taken care of outside of the software, like actual hackers are. ( The ones that hack security/bank/governments) .

Bottom line is: It'll cost time and money. Companies don't want to spend either of that.

actually they could have a way that wont really cost money. just time. by allowing for dedicated servers and allowing those who own the server to be able to ban who they want. cod4 and black ops had many hackers but you were able to play in a server with friends and not see them. why cause the anti cheat was a lot better that was used, and if someone was a hacker they were banned. mw2 and mw3 had many hackers cause you could not do anything about it except wait for the anti cheat to ban them. which is a joke.

all you can try to do was go into your ingame steam and select player and report them. so yeah all your pc games pretty much have hackers. its the games that allow us the players to have control that the hackers are not as widely seen.

If the Hackers are left to rule no one will buy there games any more they killed MW3 and steam don't do anything

I suspect that cod is selling cheats at the backdoor when the selling rate dropped to a certain minimum. I haven't got any proof ofcourse but a logical explanation is that it seems quite easy to block strange behaviour. In the end, organizing an anti cheat guard team seems cheaper then losing thousands of customers to me. Rumors about a massive boycott of BO2 are widely spread amongst the cod fanatics. So if cod wants to sell BO2 at least as much as they did with BO, they hould come up with an anti cheat solution(working and maintaining) besides offering at least a dedicated server possibility.

yeah but so many said that about mw3 as well. ppl will buy it just to have. i bought mw3 and like it but not enough to buy the dlc right now. i was hoping and it seems to work as it seems like i dont run into hackers as much that i was hoping those hackers would get the dlc somehow and go with that.

if they get dedicated servers and allow the players who own that server control to ban or kick then alot will go back to it and play. if not then even more will leave.

the biggest problem with mw2 and mw3 is they were not thinking about pc gamers. they were thinking about console. and that is were there sells were made the most. adding it to the pc just helped there sells some. had they done dedicated servers there sells would have been way more.

i know plenty of players who like the fast paced cod style over bf but left to play bf cause of the lack of dedicated servers and increase in hackers.

Senast ändrad av cad80_99; 10 okt, 2012 @ 17:11

Are People Hacking in Black Ops 2 Pc
