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Black Ops 2 Nuketown Zombies Dubstep 1 Hour

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I'm having the same problem but instead I purchased every dlc individual on the 360 and when I got to my Xbox to download them I have all of them except for The Uprising map pack even though i purchased that too..

Hopefully there is a solution to this

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I'm having the same problem but instead I purchased every dlc individual on the 360 and when I got to my Xbox to download them I have all of them except for The Uprising map pack even though i purchased that too..

Hopefully there is a solution to this

damn so you actually purchased the dlc recently? Hopefully the next update fixes this.

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Hey guys,

Sorry to hear about the issue! Are you able to see the DLC you own while signed-in on our Xbox 360 Download History page? If so, try clicking 'Add to Queue' for each DLC you don't see on your Xbox One console.

Once you have done that, head on over to your Xbox One and power cycle by holding the power button for 10 seconds. Reboot and give it a shot!

If you're still hitting this issue, please post back the specific date that page shows these items were purchased, and list out each DLC you're missing so we can take a look.


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Hey guys,

Sorry to hear about the issue! Are you able to see the DLC you own while signed-in on our Xbox 360 Download History page? If so, try clicking 'Add to Queue' for each DLC you don't see on your Xbox One console.

Once you have done that, head on over to your Xbox One and power cycle by holding the power button for 10 seconds. Reboot and give it a shot!

If you're still hitting this issue, please post back the specific date that page shows these items were purchased, and list out each DLC you're missing so we can take a look.


Hey mate,

I had a look at the page and it showed that i also owned the uprising DLC, adding to queue did nothing for my xbox one. Uprising was downloaded on the 5/5/2013.

The person I talked to on the phone through xbox support showed me that I owned the licence for uprising, vengeance and apocolypse but for some reason I was unable to access those licenses which confused both of us.

Thanks for your help.

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Hey guys,

Sorry to hear about the issue! Are you able to see the DLC you own while signed-in on our Xbox 360 Download History page? If so, try clicking 'Add to Queue' for each DLC you don't see on your Xbox One console.

Once you have done that, head on over to your Xbox One and power cycle by holding the power button for 10 seconds. Reboot and give it a shot!

If you're still hitting this issue, please post back the specific date that page shows these items were purchased, and list out each DLC you're missing so we can take a look.


Hey mate,

I had a look at the page and it showed that i also owned the uprising DLC, adding to queue did nothing for my xbox one. Uprising was downloaded on the 5/5/2013.

The person I talked to on the phone through xbox support showed me that I owned the licence for uprising, vengeance and apocolypse but for some reason I was unable to access those licenses which confused both of us.

Thanks for your help.

Microsoft are currently looking into a issue with people having trouble finding previously purchased content and purchasing content. Hopefully this is going to fix it


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Microsoft are currently looking into a issue with people having trouble finding previously purchased content and purchasing content. Hopefully this is going to fix it


service is back online and i received the uprising dlc. The two others should be comming soon hopefully as xbox support told me that i have the 3 DLCs license but it wouldnt let me access it.

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Hey everyone,

Are you able to install the missing DLC through the in-game store on Black Ops II? Try that and let us know if that helps.

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Hey everyone,

Are you able to install the missing DLC through the in-game store on Black Ops II? Try that and let us know if that helps.

This did not fix my issue. Is there any information I could provide for you that u might need?

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Hey Gailfrade,

If you could check our Microsoft Commerce page while signed in and let us know when you purchased the Black Ops II season pass, that would help a bunch for now!

When you tried the in-game store, did it give you the option to download? After selecting download, you should be able to navigate to Black Ops II's 'Ready to install' and see the DLC.

Thank you for your patience while we figure this one out!

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Hey Gailfrade,

If you could check our Microsoft Commerce page while signed in and let us know when you purchased the Black Ops II season pass, that would help a bunch for now!

When you tried the in-game store, did it give you the option to download? After selecting download, you should be able to navigate to Black Ops II's 'Ready to install' and see the DLC.

Thank you for your patience while we figure this one out!

Hey mister beep,

Looking at the commerce page fails to show me any of the purchased DLC but I believe that is due to purchasing special edition which came with a code for the season pass as there seem to be no purchases near the release date. I would guess I would have put in the season pass code around 12th November 2012.

I had a look in the ingame store option and it was able to give me one of the other DLCs I was missing. I am now missing Vengeance and Apocalypse.

Unfortunately looking at my 360 download history does not show the other DLCs as I stopped playing black ops 2 after uprising was released.

Thank you for the help, I appreciate it.

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Black Ops 2 Nuketown Zombies Dubstep 1 Hour
