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Black Ops 2 Bus Tranzit Custom Waw Nazi Mod

Hello Everyone!

Sorry I've been gone for so long. As you know, I've been learning Javascript at Code Academy but since I've been so busy, I would work on it then leave for a bit and then end up forgetting everything I learned and I would have to go back and relearn. I honestly do not think I am fit to code the game and all who offered free help have turned away. I honestly would love to get this game out as soon as possible but everyone I've contacted for coding, can't work on it because of other projects or they simply don't want to.

I'm not going to let this game fall into a hole where it will not be completed, so I've saved $50 from working some extra jobs around the neighborhood and I would love to start a kickstarter or some other money raising platform to gather money to hire an actual coder. I think around 300 USD would be great starting amount to get the game done so I'm wondering if anyone would like to donate. The only work I've done is I've been using the Tornado Twins' FPS Control for weapons so that aspect of it is done, I'm also using the RAIN AI and I'm sure that will work just fine as well. I just need damage, round system, GUI and other things like that. I know how to do very basic Javascript but there is no way I know enough to code this game for now. I believe if I hire a coder, I can get the building blocks of the game finished, then if there is problems, I can debug them with some classes I'm going to start taking this summer and then take back over the coding development myself.

I'm not going to let my personal problems get in the way of finishing this game and I'll be sending out Alpha/Beta tester emails soon. I haven't gotten to look at the some 150 entries I received, so I will be looking at those ASAP. And please, don't send me threatening emails about giving you the game. I will disregard your request to be an Alpha/Beta tester. Other than that, I think that is it.

Kickstarter allows me to create rewards based on how much you pledge. Hopefully the options I have put up will make you guys excited. I have a few more things to do to my project and I need to get approved for Amazon Payments which can take up to 7 days. I will update this news post with the kickstarter link once it is up. Keep in mind, if everyone donated just 4 USD, our fundraiser would be over with just 90 donations. I appreciate extra donations and I'll do some extra things and offer extra rewards for those who donated over $4.

Thanks for the Love and the Support!



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Black Ops 2 Bus Tranzit Custom Waw Nazi Mod
